Good evening.
First we want to thank you for taking the time to send in a letter in support of our request for a reset on the commemoration project. Regretfully as we suspected the outcome was essentially predetermined and the decision was made by the jury with a sham of a voting process applied.
You can read the announcement from SFPA here.
As it stands now HVSafe has initiated complaints for non compliance on our disclosure requests with SF Planning.
The Project Red Flags remain the same and have been compounded with this recent development. In an era when corruption is running rampant in City government it’s even more disheartening that it’s running amuck at the neighborhood level.
HVSafe is huddling this end of the week on next steps. We are considering organizing a petition but want to gauge community interest and support at this time.
Please reply to this email with your thoughts on the following:
1) are you willing to get on a conference call to discuss next steps/options?
2) will you support a petition?
3) can you volunteer and do outreach to garner more support?
4) if you are willing and able to join our efforts in any fashion please let us know.
Thank you and stay tuned.
Team HVSafe