October 9, 2024
In the essence of time because we weren’t given proper notification or information about the permit process renewal it’s critical we direct you to the only bit of information we have been provided this year regarding the street closure. Here in our ongoing thread dating back to the start of this permit term where we have outlined our concerns. We asked Monica to include this in the hearing packet. For good measure we are including here.
We also emailed Nick two times asking particulars in preparation of tomorrow’s meeting – haven’t heard back.
Going into a hearing with no dialogue on this matter is not something we expected; we were under the impression that conversations and deliberations would be had at the community level before any consideration of a new permit plan would be presented. This breakdown in communications and information is detrimental in our civic participation.
To add to our challenges: our own supervisor in not being the unbiased neutral negotiator or representative that he should be for an initiative as critical as this. This too is über problematic.
The little trust we had in our city leadership has eroded – thanks to this initiative.
We’ve been observing and taking notes of this closure over the last year and to be candid we’re rethinking our willingness to support a compromise of any form as it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is an ideological contingency with an aim to foist a utopian plan upon us.
How do you expect us to agree to compromise or an expansion when there is no respect given to us to convene at a table for a discussion on the many issues this street closure continues to plague us with?
We do not support an expansion of programming for this closure.
We ask that you deny a permit until Hayes Valley members and small business operators are part of the dialogue and decision making.
We demand that you refocus what is already on the table: optimizing current open spaces/venues and programs that are in play. The HVNA has had their fair share of temporary programs – we disagree with granting a renewal of this one without a fair and just process.
You can read more about our positions evolving the closure here.