Neighbors in the late afternoon were alarmed by a tent fire which started due to a burning candle by a camper on Octavia Boulevard. Richard Johnson has reached out to Supervisor Preston and Captain Yep’s office. We’ll report back with more details and an update.
You can check out our open letter here to City Agencies and please show your support if you live in the neighborhood!
Update June 10th:

HVSafe attended the SFPD Northern Station Meeting on Tuesday June 8th. We asked Captain Yep for information on the incident. At that time he did not have details to share. We agreed to move the follow up on email. Last night we sent an email which included both the Supervisor and Mayor and a link to our Open Letter.
Update June 25th:
After patiently waiting we heard back from Northern Station today. We received confirmation that the owner of the tent where the fire occurred lit a candle and fell asleep. We also informed police that the same tent owner has been cited (within the last 24 hours) to be back on Octavia and neighbors are concerned.
TGIF. 📒Re: Octavia Encampment Fire on 6.2 ⛳️After patiently waiting we heard back from @SFPDNorthern today. We received confirmation that the owner of the tent where the fire occurred lit a candle & fell asleep. We thank Captain Paul Yep for having our ear.
— Hayes Valley Safe (@hayesvalleysafe) June 25, 2021
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