Thursday September 2nd at 1pm
Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 761 to authorize a merger of three existing tenant spaces, totaling 19,457 square feet, used for automotive repair to create a single non-residential use (automotive repair) greater than 2,999 square feet in the Hayes-Gough NCT (Neighborhood Commercial Transit) District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).
Visit the SFGovTV website ( to stream the live meetings or watch on a local television station. Public Comment call-in: (415) 655-0001 / Access code: 146 600 1291 / press *3 to request to speak
The public comment call-in line number will also be provided on the Department’s webpage and during the live SFGovTV broadcast.
- Hearing Agenda
- Staff Report
- Public Hearing Info (dated May, 2021 due to postponement)
- Plans